Core Types


Any is the supertype of all types.

Type (Type)

Type is the supertype of all "types". This includes anything which can appear on the RHS of a : binding.

An automatic instance of Type is derived for every type declaration.

Constraint (Constraint)

Constraint represents "constraints". These can look syntactically similar to bindings (the constraint-versions of binding operators contain an extra : to disambiguate), but instead of bringing variables into scope, they constrain existing values.

Constraints can be created with the built-in ~, :: and <| operators.

Functions (Fun)

In WTy2, functions are defined as variables which implement the (Open) Fun type, which includes methods arg and res (which return the argument and return types of the function respectively).

Normally, functions in WTy2 are uncurried. The exception is operators, which are always of the form a -> b -> c.

See Core Type Operators for the definition of the (->) type operator in terms of the built-in Fun type.

Tuples/Records/Dependent Pairs/Lists and Telescopes

In WTy2, the built-in tuples, records, dependent pairs, lists etc... all desugar down to the same datatype - a dependent inductively-defined tuple:

datatype DepTup(tele: Tele) where
  (:.) : [ty, rest] (head: ty) -> (tail: rest(head))
       -> DepTup(ty .- rest)
  Nil  : DepTup(NilTele);

Where Tele is another built-in datatype, a telescope:

datatype Tele
  = (.-)    : (ty: Type) -> (rest: t -> Type) -> Tele
  | NilTele : Tele;

Ordinary lists and tuples can be defined from DepTup pretty trivially:

type List(ty: Type)
  = [head: ty, tail: List(ty)]
    '(head :. tail)
  | 'Nil;

type Tuple(tys: List(ty))
  = [ty, rest, head: ty, tail: Tuple(rest)]
    '(head :. tail) <<= { tys ~ ty :. rest }
  | 'Nil;

More convenient list/tuple syntax and records are implemented as syntax-sugar on top of these datatypes (i.e: (0, 1, 2) becomes 0 :. 1 :. 2 :. Nil). Following the structure of how DepTup is defined, fields in dependent records can only depend on fields to the left of them.

Unit (())

The unit type is also defined in terms of DepTup, with () parsed as an ordinary identifier:

() = Nil;
type Unit = '();

Design Note: Singleton Tuples

WTy2 also supports singleton tuples. The parsing ambiguity of expression in parens vs a singleton tuple is resolved as follows: (E) where E is an expression - parenthesised expression (E,) where E is an expression - singleton tuple (i: E) where i is an identifer and E is an expression - named value (t <: (i: t)) (i: E,) where i is an identifier and E is an expression - named singleton tuple/singleton record

Design Note: Bindings

In WTy2, the types of records can look syntactically identical to bindings (LHS of assignments). However, bindings are NOT first-class. return (x: Int) returns a Type which is equal to the record type (x: Int). do {x: Int} = 4 (perhaps intending the LHS expression to reduce down to x: Int) is nonsense.


Void is the subtype of all types. It contains no inhabitants.