Core Language

Implementing a typechecker and compiler for the entire WTy2 language at once is likely to prove somewhat challenging. Here, a design for an intermediate, typed core language (inspired by efforts on GHC) is outlined.

Core-Lang Constructs:

  • Lambda case expressions (covers lambdas, matches and let bindings)
  • Telescopes: A single built-in datatype covering (dependent) tuples and lists
  • Dependent function arrows
  • Constraints (equality coercions, type membership, quantified constraints)
  • Data declarations
  • Type declarations, with associated methods and supertype constraints
  • Default instance declarations


  • WTy2 core does not feature named tuples/records. These are instead desugared into telescopes like ordinary tuples and lists.
  • In WTy2 core, all function arrows are dependent, meaning a function that takes and returns an integer would be represented as Int -> { Int }

Unanswered Questions:

  • How to represent recursion? Could either use recursive binders or a dedicated fixpoint operator.