
Records in WTy2 are internally compiled down to ordinary dependent tuples, but have a few extra features.


Records in WTy2 can be constructed similarly tuples but with each expression prefixed the field name and an = symbol: (field1=expr1, field2=expr2, ..., fieldN=exprN) to create a record of type (field1: type1, field2: type2, ..., type3).


Records are covariant in types of fields.

There is also one subtyping rule between records and tuples to allow for passing functions that take named arguments to higher order functions cleanly (recall functions are contravariant in argument type).

(Ty1, Ty2, ..., TyN) <: (field1: Ty1, field2: Ty2, ..., fieldN, TyN);


WTy2 defines a primitive shuffle to work with records with different orders of field names:

shuffle: [a](x: a, b: Type) <<= { a: permutation(b) } -> b;

Where permutation is a type family that produces a type containing all record types that are permuations of the fields of the argument record.

Partial Application ("?")

WTy2 supports a nominal 1 partial application syntax based on records, which leverages yet another primitive:

partialise: (f: a -> b) -> [a1] a0 <<= { concat(a0, a1): permutation(b) }
           -> if(isUnit(a1)) { b }.else { a1 -> b };

Where concat is a type family which concatenates two records in the obvious way and isUnit is a function on (record) types which decides if the type is () (one implementation would be isUnit(a: Rec) = a.size() == 0).

One way to view this primitive is as a generalised curry which infers desired argument order based on record field names.

As syntax sugar, WTy2 allows (?) = partialise to be used a primitive operator which binds tighter than function application, allowing use like:

f: (x: Int, y: Char, z: Bool) -> Int;

g: (y: Char) -> Int = ?f(x=3, z=True);

In the case a0: permutation(b), we have a1 :: () => isUnit(a1) ~ True. We special-case this situation in the type signature to allow for convenient passing of records with shuffled field order to functions:

w: Int = ?f(y='a', z=False, x=3);

It is likely inference for this primitive will need to be handled specifically in the typechecker (i.e: to take advantage how a1 can be inferred by removing fields of b that occur in a0).

1 As opposed to positional, which is the usual approach in languages supporting partial application, such as Haskell. For example, given the Haskell function foo a b = a / b we can easily partially apply foo to a numerator, n, with foo n, but partially applying to a denominator, d, requires more clunky syntax such as (`foo` a) or a combinator like flip or (&). This problem gets worse as the arity of functions increases.